Monday, December 25, 2023

Rose Milk Tea Cannelés 玫瑰奶茶可麗露

Rose Milk Tea Cannelés 玫瑰奶茶可麗露


550g milk
15g rose tea leaves
10g red yeast powder
20g butter
200g fine sugar
120g Prima superior bread flour
120g eggs
10mls rum

1. In a saucepan, simmer milk & rose tea leaves on low heat for 10mins. Stir in butter till melted
2. Add flour, red yeast powder & sugar in a large bowl. Whisk the mixture till combined. Then slowly pour in (1) & whisk till batter is smooth. Whisk in eggs till combined. Sieve the batter. Add in rum & mix well. Cover the batter. Store in fridge overnight
3. Butter the moulds with softened butter. Pour in batter
4. Bake in a preheated oven @ 220C for 10mins, then 180C for 70mins

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Hojicha Cannelés 焙茶可麗露

Hojicha Cannelés 焙茶可麗露

500g milk
20g butter    
200g fine sugar
120g Blue Jacket Bread Flour 
1 Tbsp Hojicha powder
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence

1. Heat up milk, hojicha powder & butter in a saucepan over medium low heat till butter &  melted
2. Sift flour in a large bowl & add in sugar. Whisk the mixture till combined. Then slowly pour in the mixture from (1) & whisk till batter is smooth. Whisk in eggs till combined. Sieve the batter. Cover the batter & store in fridge overnight.

3. Butter the moulds with softened butter & pour in batter.
Bake in a preheated oven @ 220C for 10mins, then 180C for 70mins (depends on individual oven)

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Hojicha Cream Puffs

Choux Pastry  


35g unsalted butter, softened
20g fine sugar
30g Blue Jacket Plain Flour
5g Hojicha powder

50g unsalted butter
100g water
2 eggs
65g Blue Jacket Bread Flour
5g Hojicha powder

Dairy whip cream + Strawberry Fruttose pie filling

1. Craquelin: whisk butter & sugar till combined. Add in flour & hojicha powder. Knead to form a soft dough. Roll out the dough & freeze in fridge for later use   

2. Put butter & water in a saucepan. Bring to boil over medium heat
3. Add in flour & Hojicha powder. Use a spatula to stir until combined. Remove from heat
4. Transfer the dough to electric mixer. Whisk on low speed & add eggs slowly. Whisk till batter becomes a thick paste
5. Pipe batter onto silpat mat & top with a piece of cut-out craquelin
6. Bake in a preheated oven @190C for 10mins, then 180C for 25mins
7. Pipe filling & decorate as desired after the puffs were cooled

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Mini Mochi Bread 迷你麻糬包

Mini Mochi Bread 迷你麻糬包



Bread dough:

130g Blue Jacket bread flour

1/2 tsp SAF instant yeast

10g SIS fine sugar

1/2 tsp salt

70g water

20g Anchor butter, melted


1 packet YQ Snow skin Mochi Mix

1 tsp Kuromitsu syrup

50g water

Chocolate chips


1. Bread dough: Knead all ingredients together till smooth & elastic. Proof for 1hr. Divide into 12 portions

2. Mochi: Mix all ingredients together till combined. Dust mochi with a bit of cornflour & divide into 12 portions

3. Roll out one piece of bread dough. Wrap in mochi & some chocolate chips. Place into a greased cannele mould. Proof for 40mins
4. Bake in a preheated oven @ 190C for 10mins

Monday, October 30, 2023

Sesame Toast 芝麻吐司

Sesame Toast 芝麻吐司

(Recipe adapted & modify slightly from Ciao Kitchen)



Tang Zhong:

15g Blue Jacket bread flour

75g water


Main Dough:

Tang zhong

300g Blue Jacket bread flour

30g brown sugar

1 tsp salt

1 tsp instant yeast

10g Kinako

100g whipping cream

80g water

20g unsalted butter


Black Sesame Paste:

100g roasted black sesame

30g brown sugar

15g sunflower oil



1. Tang zhong: Whisk ingredients in a pot till combined. Keep stirring over medium low heat till it become a paste. Set aside to cool

2. Main dough: Whisk all ingredients (except butter) in a mixer fitted with a dough hook till dough is soft. Add in butter & knead till the dough is elastic. Proof for 1hr

3. Blend black sesame paste ingredients together in a blender till smooth. Set aside

4. Degas dough & roll out into a rectangle. Spread 1/2 of the black sesame paste evenly & roll up like a swiss roll. Rest the dough for 10mins. Then turn the dough 90 degree & roll out. Spread the remaining black sesame paste & roll up like a swiss roll. Put into loaf tin & proof for 1hr

5. Bake in a preheated oven @ 180C for 30mins