Monday, December 28, 2020

Matcha Chocolate Basque Burnt Cheesecake

Matcha Chocolate Basque Burnt Cheesecake

250g cream cheese
75g sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten
150g thickened cream
10g cocoa powder+ 2 Tbsp hot water
10g matcha powder+ 2Tbsp hot water
*Cookie crumbs + butter (optional)  

1. Whisk cream cheese & sugar in a medium mixing bowl till smooth.
2. Add in eggs gradually & whisk till combined.
3. Add in thickened cream. Whisk till combined.
4. Divide batter into 2 portions. Add in chocolate paste & matcha paste respectively. Whisk till combined. Pressed the cookie mixture into the bottom of a lined 6” pan. Pour matcha batter on top, followed by chocolate batter.
5. Bake in a preheated oven @220C for 20mins, then @200C for another 5mins.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Monster Inc Sulley Bread

Blue Dough 
180g Blue Jacket Bread Flour   
3g Blue natural powder
1 Tbsp fine sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp instant yeast  
120g water

Purple Dough  
90g Blue Jacket Bread Flour   
1/2 Tbsp sweet potato powder 
1/2 Tbsp fine sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp instant yeast  
60g water

1. Put all ingredients for blue dough in a mixing bowl. Knead till soft & elastic. Cover with a cloth & proof for 1hr. Repeat the same for purple dough.

2. Remove both dough onto a slightly floured table top. De-gas & rest for 10mins. Shaped the dough as desired. Roll up the dough like a swiss roll & placed in a greased pull man tin. Proof for 1hr.
3. Bake in a preheated oven @170C for 40mins.