Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Panda Bread

First, I would like to thank Lena (from frozen wings) for passing these lovely awards to me *^_^*

Next, let me present you my Panda Bread! Aren't they cute?

I came across Florence blog (Do What I Like) a few years ago & saw this Panda Bread. I fell in love with it immediately. However, I am not really into bread making at that time & I do not possessed a good mixer or an oven. So, I could only envy...

Recently, I saw this Panda Bread again in Facebook (by Shinni Bakincow). Oh well, those baking bugs inside me are urging me to try out making this bread!!

Do hop over to Not Quite Nigella blog for a step by step guide on the making of Panda Bread.

Panda: Can you bear to eat me ??


j3ss kitch3n said...

beautifully done! and so cute!!!! well done!

CaThY said...

Thanks Jess~ *^_^*

NEL, the batter baker said...

love it!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


CaThY said...

Thanks :)

我不舍得吃 ;P

Alice said...

so cute!!!!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Nice! Yours definitely looked much better then mine, heehee!I made chocolate version instead of matcha because my kids. Love it!

Janine said...

Gosh this is so so so so cute! I bet it's a good way of enticing picky little eaters to eat bread :D

CaThY said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog, do drop by more often ;)

Honey Bee Sweets,
I got difficulty kneading in the matcha & cocoa powder. Luckily the end product looks alright.

Yeah, I agreed with you. Hehehe ;P

love melody, love baking said...


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

i seen this before, this is too cute!

CaThY said...

PH & Sonia,
Yup, agreed with you both. kekeke :)

茄子 said...


CaThY said...

谢谢你的赞赏 =)

sotong said...

how creative! soooo cute!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Cathy oh!!! I love love love your super cute panda bread!! Must learn to make one for my Gabriel :D

CaThY said...

Thanks :)

Ah Tze,
Hop over to the website for step by step guide. Looking forward to your panda bread :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute leh...

CaThY said...

Hehehe,try it out too. I bet your kids will love it too :)

hsling said...


hanushi said...

This is really sooooo cute beyond words... U r my idol in bread making...

CaThY said...

有空试试看吧 :)

Idol? Wow, so honored but no no, I am not an expert, there are bloggers who are better than me. :)

quizzine said...

This looks really cute, and the panda seems to be in the green green forest ;-))

CaThY said...

Thanks, I love the way you say the panda is in a green forest ;)

lena said...

these panda designs look fabulous on the bread! i just have a quick look at the method of shaping, i think i got a bit lost half way..must see that again later. another great loaf of bread, cathy! you deserved that award!!

DG said...

Very very cute! Love the strong distinct colors of this bread.

CaThY said...

Thanks for your sweet compliments. Do try out the bread when you free ;)

I think I added too much matcha powder resulting in such a dark background ;)

CaThY said...

Very very cute! Love the strong distinct colors of this bread.

CaThY said...

Thanks, I love the way you say the panda is in a green forest ;)

CaThY said...

Very cute leh...

CaThY said...


CaThY said...

love it!

CaThY said...

This is such a cute bread, and you are too cute with your sense of humor! I love it here seeing all your baked goods, it's such a pleasure.

CaThY said...

Hi lyndsey,
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Do drop by more often. Btw, do you have a blog that I can visit too? :)

CaThY said...

You have a thing for making cute bread :) First your hello kitty bread and now this panda bread! I've been wanting to make panda bread too but I'm not too sure, as I don't usually eat bread just by it might be a bit pointless :D

CaThY said...

You can always bake the bread & give it away if you do not want to eat them. Hehehe ;)

CaThY said...

yum yum... can't bear to eat it

CaThY said...

Haha, you are so cute ;)

CaThY said...

I rem seeing this in Florence's blog. Yours look great, not sure if I'm patient enough to make this.

CaThY said...

Blessed homemaker,
Thanks. Do try it out, it's quite fun 'assembling' the panda ;)

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