Frankly speaking, Truffles are not on my baking list today. I am supposed to bake an Apple Oats Cake instead! Oh well, I trusted a wrong recipe from a website & end up with a 'not so pretty, dry & hard' cake. I am very disappointed & angry with the cake I had on hand. What am I supposed to do with it then? Throw away? No way! Doesn't it sounds wasteful especially with the flour prices increasing now? I forced myself to ingest 2 small pieces of the cake for my breakfast. Hmm.. the taste is quite good though despite the fact that it is dry & hard.
Guess what? I immediately thought of Eelin (from the batter baker) who once told me that she will always turn her not so satisfactory cakes into truffles to prevent food wastage. That's really a brilliant idea! I hopped over to her blog & searched recipe for truffles & even asked her for tips through MSN about the making of truffles.
Guess what? I immediately thought of Eelin (from the batter baker) who once told me that she will always turn her not so satisfactory cakes into truffles to prevent food wastage. That's really a brilliant idea! I hopped over to her blog & searched recipe for truffles & even asked her for tips through MSN about the making of truffles.
Truffles (Recipe adapted & modified from 'the batter baker' by Eelin)
80 white chocolate
small knob of butter
200g cake crumbs (crushed using a blender)
Cocoa powder mix with icing sugar (for coating)
Making the truffles:
1. Melt the chocolate & butter bain marie. Stir till smooth, then remove from heat.
2. Stir in cake crumbs & mix well.
3. Roll mixture into small balls & place them on a sheet of baking paper. Chill in the fridge till firm.
4. Roll the balls in cocoa powder & icing sugar.
5. Place in paper cases & chill till ready to serve.
3. Roll mixture into small balls & place them on a sheet of baking paper. Chill in the fridge till firm.
4. Roll the balls in cocoa powder & icing sugar.
5. Place in paper cases & chill till ready to serve.

I am submitting my entry to Aspiring Bakers #5 : Fruity March (March 2011) hosted by Jess of Bakericious.
beautiful truffles and a beautiful turn about! yum!
wahahaha, Tks ah ;)
nice! i din manage to get anything in time for March Aspiring Baker... sad :(((
It's alright, there's always next mth to look forward to =)
味道还不错 :)
hey cathy,
great job on the truffles! I'm froze all my leftover cakes crumbs and unfinished cupcakes for truffles, thanks to eelin's idea.
Thanks! Looking forward to your truffles :)
Gee, me too! I turned my not-so-successfully bakes into rum balls! But your truffles looked better than my rum balls! Shall try it. Thanks for sharing!
Btw, I can empathise with your frustrations on the recipe. Having spend the time, money and effort, but yet, the bakes didn't turn out! *angry* '_'
Thanks! After seeing the 'extreme makeover' of my Apple Oats Cake, my frustrations are then gone~ ;)
This came at a really good time because I just had a sponge cake which failed horribly (also too dry!) - looks like i've got truffles to eat tmr :)
基本上任何蛋糕都可以弄成truffles, 只要它的味道好。不然就是蛋糕卖相不美就做truffles ;P
Looking forward to your truffles :)
wow looks divine! hey that's a good way not to waste food. kudos to you!
Thanks! ;)
hi Cathy, here's an award for u:
What a brilliant idea to turn a failed cake into truffles !
wow talk about reinvention!
my failed bakes usually go to the dogs as 'treats'. maybe i'll save some in future to make truffles, and if my truffles doon't turn out good then only will i give to them dogs. haha
wah! you can do this amidst all that chatting! haha
very novel way of translating failure into success!
Multitasking! Kekeke ;P
Hahaha, I'm sure your dogs are happy recipients of your bakes ;)
All thanks to Eelin from 'the batter baker' :)
Thanks for the award :)
I like your makeover. The idea of converting dry cake to truffle is so fantastic. Point noted.
Do give this a try :)
pls check this out http://yummykoh.blogspot.com/2011/03/surprise-award.html
i am sorry the cake didnt turn out well for you, but i am glad you found alternative ways of serving it. I shall keep truffles in mind the next time i bake up a batch of unworthy cakes!
Thanks :)
can I plz have some now...gorgeous pics makes me craving..
great blog...happy to follow u..:)
do stop by mine sometime..
Tasty Appetite
Welcome to my blog. Thanks for your kind words :)
Now I know what to do liao. Thanks for sharing the tip.
You are welcome :)
Hi Cathy, I have always wanted to include oats in my diet and your recipe certainly gave me a brilliant idea!! Thanks Cathy :)
Welcome. Looking forward to your bakes :)
Clever! You've turned something blah into a wow!
WOW! really extreme! and it look sooo GREAT! that's called 因祸得福 eh? :D
Cake truffles are the best save for any cake recipe gone wrong...God only know how many I've made! :)
Your Apple Oats Truffles sounds lovely, Cathy!
I'm sorry the cake wasn't what you wanted it to be, but you made a wonderful recovery. The "truffles" look delicious. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
Thanks :)
Thanks for your kind words :)
Hahaha. Thanks ah ;)
Thanks :)
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