Sunday, March 13, 2011

Green Tea Bread Loaf

Green Tea Bread Loaf
(Recipe adapted & modified from Frozen Wings)

300g Bread flour
30g caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
3g bread improver
1 1/4 tsp instant yeast
180ml water
20g butter
1 Tbsp green tea powder

some oats for decoration

1. Combine flour, sugar , salt , yeast & water in a mixer and mix well till smooth dough is formed.
2. Add in butter till dough is smooth & shiny.
3. Divide dough into 2 portions & add in the green tea powder into one portion & mix till dough is even colour.
4. Divide each dough into 2 portions, so now altogether 2 portions of plain dough and 2 portions of green tea dough.
5. Roll dough out & shape them into rectangle
6. Stack the layers alternately, flatten the dough & roll them up tight.
7. Place in a lightly greased loaf tin & let proof for an hour.
8. Bake in a preheated oven 180C for 30 mins.

Noticed the loaf on the left is green while the loaf on right is white? Hehehe, this is because I wrapped the plain dough inside the green tea dough (left loaf) & did the opposite for the other side (right loaf).

My swirl is not so pretty due to my lack of skills in rolling of bread ;P

Lena (from frozen wings) & Min (from Min's Blog) did a good job! Do hop over their blog to have a glance at their beautiful swirl ;)


j3ss kitch3n said...

beautiful all the same! the texture is divine as well!

CaThY said...

How I wished I can do the swirl as nicely as Lena & Min ;)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


CaThY said...

谢谢你的赞赏 ;)

NEL, the batter baker said...

I love the swirls, Cathy. Very nice!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your bread is beautiful, Cathy. It looks like it has a wonderful crumb and the color is perfect for St.Patrick's Day. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

ariescovis said...


Jean said...

you're getting better and better at this cathy! each time you bake a loaf of bread, your swirls look more and more beautiful and elegant!

Cooking Gallery said...

Look at the pattern! I wish I could do something like this!

CaThY said...

Eelin, Mary, ariescovis, Jean & cooking gallery,
Thanks for all your kind words & being so supportive of my bakes ;)

Wen said...

The green tea loaf looks so good like store bought!

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

The loaf looks very beautiful with the swirls !

CaThY said...

Wen & Joyce,
Thanks for your kind words, but I am not very satisfied with it yet, I still gotta practice more on the swirl :)

hanushi said...

Looks perfect!

Cathy, want to ask bat your loaf pan. Is it non stick, how much does it roughly cost n where to get it. The dimension of the pan as well... Heh... I m tempted to get one, thinking thinking

CaThY said...

Jess gave me this loaf tin actually! *muacks jess* ;) you can find different sizes loaf tin at PH & the price ranges from $10+ to 20+ depending on the material as well. I greased the tin with butter before I put my dough in for proofing ;)

Anonymous said...

To me, your loaf looks perfect.... yum yum ^_^

Blessed Homemaker said...

This looks really good! I've not baked bread for a long time!

CaThY said...

Neyeeloh & blessed homemaker,
Thanks for your kind words ;)

lena said...

hi cathy, nice to see that you're makin this bread too, i think you shldnt say that your swirls are not pretty becos everybody has different ways of shaping their rolls, to me this is another new swirl pattern Hope you're enjoying this bread as much as i am!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bread. I love the colours on this, so vibrant green!

CaThY said...

Hehehe, I love your swirl more ;P I really enjoy the process of rolling bread, its so fun~ ;)

Thanks for liking this bread ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh this bread looks so pretty! You have a very lovely blog!
Happy Monday!

CaThY said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog & thanks for your kind words ;)

Passionate About Baking said...

What a soft loaf of green tea bread! I would like to try this. Yummy!

CaThY said...

Passionate About Baking,
Sure! I am looking forward to your bread *^_^*

Zoe said...

Saw this post from Lena's too. Very inspired to make this bread too. Hope to try baking this soon :D

CaThY said...

Looking forward to your bread ;)

lena said...

hi again, i just passed you an award, do pick it up whenever you can!

Jeannie said...

I too have tried this bread but I changed it to charcoal powder so I have a black and white loaf:P yours looks different from lena's but still unique!

CaThY said...

Charcoal powder? I bet it must be beautiful~ I wanted to buy charcoal powder but I saw the price is too costly at PH.. :(

CaThY said...

Looking forward to your bread ;)

CaThY said...

hi cathy, nice to see that you're makin this bread too, i think you shldnt say that your swirls are not pretty becos everybody has different ways of shaping their rolls, to me this is another new swirl pattern Hope you're enjoying this bread as much as i am!

CaThY said...

Eelin, Mary, ariescovis, Jean & cooking gallery,
Thanks for all your kind words & being so supportive of my bakes ;)

CaThY said...

I love the swirls, Cathy. Very nice!

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