Aren't these kitties bread cute? Please say yes else I will be very sad... hehehe. Well, I spend quite sometime doing these bread. I bought this little bread mould during my Taiwan trip last year. I had tried baking bread with this little mould on few occasions but was not successful Either the dough quantity is too much or little for the mould, else the bread 'collapsed' when I sliced them, resulting in distorted kitty face. Well, I had already told you how bad I was in slicing bread remember? ;P

After some trials & errors with the dough, I am so glad & pleased that I can finally present my kitty bread to you now! I dusted the eyes & ribbons of these kitties with cocoa powder & sandwiched them with ham. V
oilà! I'm ready to serve them for breakfast! Hehehe =)

Doesn't like my kitty bread? Oh, that's fine, what about some kitty buns then? This is another version of my bread. See, my kitty is smiling so broadly at you. Do you have the urge to pat its head? ;P

I used tuna as fillings for these kitty buns~ cats love fish! Look at the satisfaction on their faces.

Opps! Have you spotted a piggy among the lovely kitties?
They are so cute! I'm a HK fan too and these breads are so adorable!
i want the pig!!!! i want the pig!
Hehehe,cute pig huh? I love the piggy too~ :)
I want the piggy too!!
Aww... I din know piggy is more popular than kitties? Kekeke =)
So cute so cute so cute ... Hahaha.. they look too good to be eaten !
Hahaha, too good to be eaten? Nah.... Guess what? I am now left with 3 buns. ;P
Definitely too cute to eat...I like the hello kitty!
Hahaha,oh yes, I love them too~ :)
they look really adorable! think they will be a hit with both adults and children alike :)
Hehehe, hello kitty lovers will love the bread~ ;)
谢谢你的认同 =)
Cathy, you are having a good time in the kitchen.
Oh yes, definitely! ;)
i LOVE all of it! is so cute!!! is a great way to start the day but nobody would bear to eat it! (:
They are smiling so broadly, I bet you will also be in a god mood after eating them ;)
OMG, these are the cutest! i love them! I want me some of that mold too, and the single piggy is too cute!
meow, meow!! better run or i'm going to eat you, haha!! hey, i saw one looks like tiger too..cuties buns!
The hello kity sandwiches and the animal buns are so cute...Especially the piggy ones...!!
Thanks for your kind words. I only used mould for the hello kitty bread, the other kitties & piggy bread are hand shaped. ;)
Yeah, cats & tiger are from the same family, so I guess that explains their resemblance? Hehehe ;)
Cooking Gallery,
Thanks for liking my animal buns *^_^*
Hi Cathy, I actually bought this HK bread mold too, but I haven't used it yet. Your post makes me want to make some HK bread right away. They're very cute!!! =)
Welcome to my humble blog. Looking forward to your kitty bread =)
These are the cutest breads I've ever seen! :O I wish I had a hello kitty mould now :( Yours are shaped so perfectly! I guess the many trial and errors were worth it! :D
Thanks for your kind words. Welcome to my humble blog. Do drop by more often. :)
Thanks for your kind words. Welcome to my humble blog. Do drop by more often. :)
Welcome to my humble blog. Looking forward to your kitty bread =)
they look really adorable! think they will be a hit with both adults and children alike :)
OMG, these are the cutest! i love them! I want me some of that mold too, and the single piggy is too cute!
Aww... I din know piggy is more popular than kitties? Kekeke =)
i want the pig!!!! i want the pig!
Hi Cathy,
I have this bread mold but I can't read Japanese. I thought there would be English instructions but there wasn't. So I haven't been able to use this mold. Would you mind sharing your recipe for this Hello Kitty Baguette mold. My daughter is an extremely picky eater and just informed me that she would eat peanut and butter and jelly sandwiches if I made the "Hello Kitty" bread.
Thank you and I love you blog from one foodie to another! :)
Mirage Mama
Mirage mama,
You can use any bread recipe that you like, I just put in about 70g of the dough into the mould & let it proof before put it into oven ;)
Thank you Cathy. I will make some today. Sweet Pea will be so excited!
welcome. You have any blog? Looking forward to see your little kitties bread :)
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