Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oats Bread

I love the golden brown colour of my loaf when it is out from oven

Pardon me for my poor slicing skills....

Oats Bread (Recipe adapted & modified from Carol 烘焙新手必备的第二本书)

Oats 50g
Cold water 150ml

Cook together in a saucepan over low heat till boiling. Off the stove & cover the saucepan with lid for 15mins. After 15mins later, lift the lid & mix till it become a dough.

Bread flour 250g
Bread improver 3g
Yeast 3/4tsp
castor sugar 20g
salt 1/4tsp
oil 20g
cold water 80mls

Egg for glazing
Extra oats to sprinkle on dough


1) Put all ingredients (B) & the oats dough into a mixer. Beat until it become a non sticky dough.

2) Remove dough & give a few light kneading on a lightly floured work surface. Divide into 2 equal portions & shape into balls.

3) Flatten & roll out each dough into an oval shape. Roll up swiss roll style. Place in a bread loaf tin (well greased), seams side down. Let dough proof for 1 hr or until the dough rise up to 90% of the height of the tin.

4) Brush the top of bread dough with egg slightly & sprinkle oats on top. Bake at preheated oven at 180degC for 30mins.

5) Remove from oven & unmold immediately. Let cool completely before slicing.

Sandwich with ham & melted cheese ~ healthy breakfast !

Up close & personal with the bread...


茄子 said...


CaThY said...

谢谢你,你也来两片试试看 =)

The Sweetylicious said...

oats are so delicious and healthy! (: great way to start the day (:

CaThY said...

Yeah, try making bread too, its fun =)

NEL, the batter baker said...

Yums! Texture looks great, Cathy :) How long did you knead the bread? DId you use improver this time?

CaThY said...

Hey Eelin,
Thanks or your kind words. I always use my mixer to knead my bread dough, roughly 5-6mins & it will become a non sticky dough. Power huh? Yup, I used improver most of the time as I got a bottle & do not want to waste it. =)

j3ss kitch3n said...

i love the top!! so beautiful and you bread looks so soft and fluffy always!

CaThY said...

Thanks huh Jess for being so supportive of my bakes, hehehe =)

Zoe said...

Your bread is perfect. Is it possible to share your recipe?

CaThY said...

Sure, give me sometime to translate & type it out as the recipe is from a Taiwan book. :)

Wen said...

So nicely baked! Can bake one and deliver to TP...lol!

CaThY said...

Tks for your kind words, your bread are nice too. =)

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

Looks good and healthy ! A great piece of bread to start the day with !

CaThY said...

Yeap, totally agreed with you =)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


CaThY said...

就是哦,也很有满足感 :)

Anonymous said...


Honey Bee Sweets said...

Ohh this oat loaf looks really soft and good! I love anything oats, whether in cookies, bread or even just plain with milk! So thanks for sharing this recipe, will try it out soon.

CaThY said...

我用weighing scale把面团分成两半,所以高度一致 :)

Honey Bee Sweets,
Oh yes, this bread is really nice. Looking forward to your oats bread =)

Edith said...

Wow a healthy loaf of bread!

CaThY said...

Yup yup =)

lena said...

a great loaf of bread..would be nice if i can have some for breakfast tomorrow..

CaThY said...

This loaf is really good & finished within 2 days~ ;)

CaThY said...

a great loaf of bread..would be nice if i can have some for breakfast tomorrow..

CaThY said...

我用weighing scale把面团分成两半,所以高度一致 :)

Honey Bee Sweets,
Oh yes, this bread is really nice. Looking forward to your oats bread =)

CaThY said...

Sure, give me sometime to translate & type it out as the recipe is from a Taiwan book. :)

CaThY said...

i love the top!! so beautiful and you bread looks so soft and fluffy always!

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