Pluto is pondering what are those stuffs in front of him. What do you think? Take a closer look... Yeah, you are right! They are doggie bone bread for Pluto! Aren't they cute? ;)

I am using
the recipe from my previous Hearty Buns bakes & added bread improver to speed up the bread proofing process, mozzarella cheese as fillings & wrapped the bread centre with bacon.
Verdict: I love the combination of cheese & bacon. As you took the first bite, you can taste the soft bread with melted cheese. The second bite comes the tasty bacon. Heavens!
All I can say is... WOW!!
Cathy, so creative of you! I think my dog will love this bread very much, haha.
Cute bread right? ;)
I not creative la, saw this design in one of the baking books before ;)
This is sooooooo cute !
Chunky cooky,
Yeah, I think so too! Kekeke ;p
very cute and delicious buns! very soft also!! i ate it all by myself kaka!
Hehehe, glad you like it. :)
OMG cathy! that's soooo super cute, lovely and awesome!! (: (: love it!
oh, this is just too cute, Cathy!
Hahaha ... so cute!
Pluto, how lucky you are, Cathy specially made this doggie bone bun just for you :)
Jasmine, Eelin, DG,
I aso think the buns are cute~ hehehe ;p
I am sure this bread is delicious. A great combination.
OHMY these are sooo adorable! And an extremely creative way of presenting a hotdog bun too!
Yup, they were very soft & tasty ;)
Erm, they were not hotdog buns. It's bacon with cheese fillings ;)
So cute! Very creative too! I love to have a bite of that doggie bone bun...lol!
Woof woof, my doggie bone buns were all finished up by two doggies at home~ my hubby & me! Hehehe ;p
I love the creativity there =)
This is so cute. It must be a hit with the kids...
Wow, this is really fantastic!!! :) Well done, Cathy! :)
Bake for a queen,
Welcome to my blog, do drop by often ;)
Haha, could they be a hit to doggies too? ;p
Thanks for your support ;)
I love these! so creative! It sure beat beating boring round shaped buns!
Yeah you are right, it's more fun to shape the plain buns! *^_^*
This is so cute! I think my kids will love it!
Blessed Homemaker,
Hehehe, I'm sure they will love them ;)
Blessed Homemaker,
Hehehe, I'm sure they will love them ;)
Wow, this is really fantastic!!! :) Well done, Cathy! :)
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