My niece is turning 1 year old ! She loves teddy bear a lot & according to my sister, she will call out 'be..ar..' (in a cute & not so accurate pronunciation) when she sees pictures of teddy bear. So, that gives me an idea to give her a Teddy Bear Theme Birthday Party!

Guess what? I had been thinking about this 'big project' - what cake to bake for her since a few mths back. ;P Well, it may sounds foolish but afterall, that's her 1st birthday party celebration in the family! I am faced with another 'challenge' few weeks ago when my mum requested for a vanilla cake instead of a chocolate cake. I was cracking my head what should I add between the layers of sponge cake? I need something colourful so that it will turn out nice in photography when sliced into pieces. I thought of strawberries but sad to say I can't find any nice & sweet ones around. ('Giant' supermarket used to have very pretty & sweet Korean strawberries, but not anymore.. *sigh*) Anyway, to cut my story short, I have finally decided to do a peach mouse cake!

Oh yes, by the way, I got this teddy bear picture from a top I bought for my niece during my trip to Taiwan this year. I was told by my sister yesterday that the top does not fits her anymore. Not because she had outgrow her top, but rather due to multiple washings, the top became loose & big for her now. Such a pity, otherwise she can wear the top & take pictures with this cake... I even suggested to my sister perhaps to let my niece wear a fitting top underneath her loose bear top?? Hehehe... ;>

My family is very satisfied with my teddy bear cake & cuppies. Now, lets keep our fingers cross & see what the birthday gal got to 'say' tomorrow.
That's a beary cute cake! i love how you used bear shaped cookies to decorate the sides of the cake!
Tks Crustabakes! *^_^*
wah nice nice! great idea using cookies to line the perimeter of the cake. If can add some simple coloured icing on the cookies it would make it stand out more =]
Tks Bakertan. Wow, great minds think alike ;P I did thought of adding coloured icing on the cookies initially as well, but our family are not so 'sweet tooth', so I decided to leave it plain instead. *^_^*
That's a beary cute cake! i love how you used bear shaped cookies to decorate the sides of the cake!
wah nice nice! great idea using cookies to line the perimeter of the cake. If can add some simple coloured icing on the cookies it would make it stand out more =]
very beautiful to give to GOD's most beautiful creations and meaning in life
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