This year, I decided to have a white Xmas logcake instead of the traditional chocolate ones. I followed Bakertan's (from Baking library) chocolate sponge cake recipe but used whipped cream instead of buttercream for frosting. I also made changes to the assembly of my cake. Here it goes,
1) Turn the baked sheet cake onto a piece of baking/parchment paper. Slowly peel off the attached baking/parchment paper from the cake.
2) Divide the sheet cake into 3 equal portions. Apply a layer of whipped cream over the surface of the sheet cake.
3) With the shorter side/breadth facing you, roll one portion of the cake up tightly to form a swiss roll. Continue to wrap around the first swiss roll by using the second & third portion of the cake. You should end up with a thick fat swiss roll.
4) Frost the cake with whipped cream & decorate as desired. Sprinkle some icing sugar to give a snowing effect.
This is how the cake looks like after sliced into half.

hey cathy,
this is a big fat log cake! good job =]
what's the filling inside? you can submit this to aspiring baker #2
Hey Bakertan! I thought you went to BK today? Kekeke... btw, I made a very simple logcake this year. I juz spread with whipped cream as I got some left over from frosting my niece's birthday cake.
Lovely snowy log cake! Nicely decorated!
Tks DG for our kind words *^_^*
i agree with bakertan! you should submit this to the aspiring bakers #2!
your decorations are gorgeous! my decorative skills fail me big time always!
Tks Jess for your kind words *^_^*
Tks DG for our kind words *^_^*
Tks Jess for your kind words *^_^*
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